Integrative Somatic Therapy opens your body’s wisdom.
Your body holds the key to your lived experience. It stores, and often locks, emotional memories on a cellular level, impacting your autonomic and central nervous systems. Nothing you feel is “in your head”; it is feedback from your body and its urgency to be expressed.
On a daily basis, we experience natural stressors that we have been taught to set aside or dismiss to achieve a given goal. To this end, we have become desensitized to what our bodies are truly telling us it needs. Our bodies constantly give us feedback on what we need to achieve a state of balance so that we may meet our responsibilities and goals in a way that feels empowering, not draining.
Integrative Somatic Therapy leverages natural feedback to help you recognize your emotional, mental, and physical triggers, as well as understand your biological stress response. Together, we’ll delve into practical tools and techniques designed to enhance your ability to identify stressors, process and release trapped stress and trauma, and learn to rewire the neural pathways (behavior patterns) formed by lingering emotions from the past and present.
Sessions may involve identifying stress, utilizing grounding tools, practicing yoga and movement, engaging in journaling, employing breathing techniques, receiving massage, balancing chakras, meditating, practicing mindfulness, experiencing reiki, and exploring other strategies. These activities help us tap into the profound wisdom of our bodies, fostering trust in ourselves, and enabling us to listen, honor, and respond effectively to live a balanced life.